Scientific Division of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve includes 5 laboratories:

Botanical Laboratory

Zoological Laboratory

Forestry research Laboratory

Phenological-gydrometeorological and landscape research Laboratory

GIS Processing and Analysis Laboratory

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Botanical Laboratory

Principal directions of investigation:

Carrying out of the flora inventory of new massifs, included to the CBR, with or without withdrawal from land-owners and study of the anthropogenic impact on the floristic composition and coenotic structure of natural forest and meadow ecosystems of the CBR.

Scientific and scientific-technical specialists of the laboratory and directions of their investigations:

  1. Voloshchuk M.I. - chief of the laboratory.

  2. Kozurak A.V. - junior scientist. Phenologist.

  3. Antosiak T.M. - junior scientist.

Zoological Laboratory

Principal directions of investigation:

Ecology of mammals (Mammalia) (in particular ungulate animals (Artiodactyla), predatory (Carnivora), cheiroptera (Chiroptera)), birds (Aves), reptiles (Reptilia), lepidopterous insects (Lepidoptera); dynamics monitoring investigations of the main groups of vertebrates (Vertebrata) and invertebrates (Invertebrata).  

Scientific and scientific-technical specialists of laboratory and directions of their investigations:

  1. Dovhanych Ya.O. – chief of the laboratory, terriologist. Ecology and conservation of ungulates and predatory mammals.
  2. Hodovanets B.Yo. – scientist. Ornithofauna of the Ukrainian Carpathians (ecology, distribution and number of birds). Rare bird species (Prunella Collaris, Aquila chrysaetos, Strix uralensis and others).
  3. Liashenko Ye. K. – scientist, entomologist. Ecology, biology, behavior, number monitoring of butterflies and moths, breeding of rare and of small amount Carpathian species of lepidopterous insects, and those, which are entered into the Red Data Book of Ukraine.
  4. Pokynchereda V.V. – junior scientist, zoologist. Ecology, biology, fauna of the family Aphidiidae (Hymenoptera) of the Carpathians; ecology, biology of parasites of the family Aphidinae (Homoptera); fauna, ecology of the reserve’s caves cheiropterofauna.

Forestry research laboratory

Principal directions of investigation:

Ecological monitoring of the reserve’s forests. 

Scientific and scientific-technical specialists of laboratory and directions of their investigations:

  1. Sukharyuk D.D. – chief of the laboratory.
  2. Bundziak Yo.Yo. – scientist. Morphogenesis of soils of the Ukrainian Carpathians, soil monitoring, monitoring of hazards.
  3. Kabal M.V. – leading specialist.
  4. Boichuk O.V. – leading specialist.

Phenological-gydrometeorological and landcape research laboratory

Principal directions of investigation:

Phenological, hydrometeorological observations in 5 meteoposts and 14 phenopoints. Observation of natural phenomena dynamics depending on the altitude above the sea level. Conduct of the Chronicle of Nature according to the programme of the CBR.

Scientific and scientific-technical specialists of laboratory and directions of their investigations:

  1. Paparyha P.S. – chief of the laboratory.
  2. Lazutkin H.H. – senior scientist. Organization and conduction in phenopoints and phenoroutes, depending to the altitude above the sea level, of the observation of indicator plant species, animals and natural phenomena. Study of seasonal changes in the life of plants, animals and natural phenomena. Organization of hydro-meteo observations.
  3. Andriychuk N.F. - scientist. Hydrologist.
  4. Pipash L.I. - leading specialist.

GIS processing and analysis laboratory

Principal directions of investigation:

Working out and introduction of geoinformation systems for the CBR and Carpathian region

Scientific and scientific-technical specialists of laboratory and directions of their investigations:

  1. Berkela Yu.Yu. – chief of the laboratory. Conduct of maps digitizing, linking up of data bases to them, processing and analysis of the obtained results.
  2. Hubko V.M. - leading ingeneer.
  3. Boryk O.V. – leading specialist.
  4. Kabal M.V. – technician. Technical ensuring of work with maps.