Ministry for Environmental protection of Ukraine

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve

  Uzhgorod National University

Carpathian Institute of Business

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


International Conference

Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in the Carpathians



Proceedings (pdf)

Circular 1

The International Conference “Ecotourism and sustainable development in the Carpathians” is organized on the basis of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and is planned to be held on October 9 – 12, 2007 .

Planned topics for discussion:

1.        Ecotourism in the context of the Framework Convention “About conservation and sustainable development of the Carpathians” (the Carpathian Convention)

2.        Importance of ecotourism for the social-economic development of territorial communities

3.        Importance of forests for tourism development

4.        Peculiar features of ecotourism development within protected areas

5.        Ecotourism and biodiversity conservation

6.        Ecological education as an important element of ecotourism

7.        Problems of ecotourism management in mountain regions

Requirements for proceedings:

Any of the proceedings in Ukrainian or English should not exceed 5 pages in size and are to be delivered no later than July 1, 2007 .


Proceedings should be provided in a digital version (on a disc or sent by e-mail) accompanied by a hard copy using Microsoft Word (*.doc àáî *.rtf). Type ­– Times New Roman, size – 10, single interval, indention – 0.85 cm. Page format – À5 (book size). Page margins: upper and bottom – 2 cm, left and right – 1.5 cm. Tables and figures should be inserted in the text.


Order of the text allocation:

First line on the left index UDC, next line but one in the centertitle of the proceeding in capital letters;

Next line but one author’s initials and second name (names), below – name of the institution, city/town, country;  

Next line but one – second name and initials of the author (authors), title of the proceeding and a summary (no more than 60 words each) both in Ukrainian and English;

Next line but one the text itself. List of references should be provided at the end using type size 9 (do not write the heading “References” above the list).    


Organizers are authorized to reject proceedings that are either off topic or do not fulfill the requirements given above.


Further information will be provided in Circular 2.

Address of the Organizing Committee:

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve

P.O. Box 8

 Rakhiv 90600

Transcarpathia , Ukraine

Tel. (03132) 22193; fax: (03132) 22632



Application form