It is located in the highest part of the Svydovets mountains, at an altitude of 600 - 1883 m.a.s.l., with the total area of 6580 ha. The mountains of Svydovets, like greater part of the Ukrainian Carpathians have the flysch structure. The glacial traces are preserved on the main range.

The climate of the southern megaslopes of Svydovets is damp, cool and moderately cold. According to the data of Kobyletska Poliana meteostation (410 m.a.s.l.), the average temperature in January is 3.4 degrees below zero, in June - 18.4 degrees, the average annual temperature is 8 degrees. The annual amount of precipitation - 930 mm. The climate of the upland areas is cold, humid.

The light - and dark-brown soils prevail in the zone of forests. The light-brown soils are typical for the upper forest line.

The soil-climatic conditions of the massif’s southern macroslope are optimal for the growth of beech, the formation of which has a climax character. The beech forests reach here the altitude of 1380 m, that is the highest line of beech forest in the Ukrainian Catpathians. The prevailing associations are the various types of beech forest. The beech-maple (Fageto-Aceretum pseudoplatanae) and beech-ash-maple (Fageto-Fraxineto-Aceretum) forests are spread also on the rocky forms of relief. In their grass cover are found: Phyllitis scolopendrium, Lunaria reduviva, Helleborus purpurascens, Asplenium viride. The northern macroslopes have a very favourable conditions for the formation of mixed stands of trees. Owing to the colder climate, here grow such tree species as fir, and near the upper forest line - spruce. The elfin woodland formed by Dushekia viridis and Juniperus sibirica is found above the forest zone.

A special interest in the floristic aspect represents the upland area of Svydovets, in the region of the Small Blyznytsia (1778 m) and Velyka Blyznytsia (1883 m) summits. Such rare alpino-arctic species as Bartsia alpina, Dryas octopetala, Diphasiastrum alpinum, Juncus castaneum, Lloydia serotina, Aster alpinus, Rhodiola rosea, Salix hastata grow here. In the Ukrainian Carpathians only here grow such species as: Drabba aizoides, Euphrasia salisbur-gensis, Saxifraga androsacea and others. The species of Leonthopodium alpinum, Aquilegia nigricans, Swertia alpina etc., are also very rare.

Fauna of the massif constitutes, in the whole, typical for the Carpathians mountain complex, though it is characterized by the smaller presentation of a number of species, closely connected with the coniferous tree species.